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Version: 3.0.0-LTS


Follow the steps below to deploy ToolJet on a DigitalOcean Droplet.

1. Navigate to the Droplets section in DigitalOcean.

create a Droplet

2. Configure the Droplet with the following options:

  • Image: Ubuntu
  • Plan: Choose a plan (e.g., Basic, 4GB RAM, 2 vCPU)
use a droplet plan
  • Auth: For authentication, use password or ssh
  • Click Create Droplet and note the assigned public IP

3. Create a Firewall for the Droplets to allow required ports.

tcp22your IP

4. Connect to the Droplets via SSH.

5. Install Docker and Docker Compose using the following commands:

apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install -y

Enable and start Docker:

systemctl enable docker 
systemctl start docker

Install Docker Compose:

apt install -y curl 
curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Verify installation:

docker --version 
docker-compose --version

6. Update the TOOLJET_HOST in the .env file:


7. Use the Docker Documentation to deploy ToolJet.

Upgrading to the Latest LTS Version

New LTS versions are released every 3-5 months with an end-of-life of atleast 18 months. To check the latest LTS version, visit the ToolJet Docker Hub page. The LTS tags follow a naming convention with the prefix LTS- followed by the version number, for example tooljet/tooljet:ee-lts-latest.

If this is a new installation of the application, you may start directly with the latest version. This guide is not required for new installations.

Prerequisites for Upgrading to the Latest LTS Version:

  • It is crucial to perform a comprehensive backup of your database before starting the upgrade process to prevent data loss.

  • Users on versions earlier than v2.23.0-ee2.10.2 must first upgrade to this version before proceeding to the LTS version.

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