ToolJet can connect to your Mailgun account to send emails.
The Mailgun API Datasource supports for interaction with the mail endpoint of the Mailgun API.
To establish a connection with the Mailgun data source, click on the + Add new data source button located on the query panel or navigate to the Data Sources page from the ToolJet dashboard.
ToolJet requires the following to connect to your Mailgun:
- API key

Mailgun API key is required to create an Mailgun datasource on ToolJet. You can generate API key by visiting Mailgun account page.
Supported Operations
Email Service
Required parameters:
- Send email to
- Send email from
- Subject
- Body as text
Optional parameters:
- Body as HTML

Send mail to - accepts a single email id.
For example:
Send mail from - accepts a string.
For example:
Send a single email to multiple recipients - The Send mail to
field can contain an array of recipients, which will send a single email with all of the recipients in the field.
Send multiple individual emails to multiple recipients - set Multiple recipients field to {{true}}
and the Send mail to
field will be split into multiple emails and send to each recipient.