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Version: 2.50.0-LTS


ToolJet can connect to your Baserow account to read and write data.


To connect to Baserow, you need to provide the following details:

  • API token: You can create an API token from your Baserow dashboard. You can follow the steps to create API token from this link.
  • Host: You can either select the Baserow Cloud or Self-hosted option.
  • Base URL: If you select the self-hosted option, you need to provide the base URL of your Baserow instance.
Baserow intro

List fields

This query lists all the fields in a table.

Required parameters:

  • Table ID
Baserow list fields

Example response from Baserow:

"id": 331156,
"table_id": 57209,
"name": "Name",
"order": 0,
"type": "text",
"primary": true,
"text_default": ""
"id": 331157,
"table_id": 57209,
"name": "Last name",
"order": 1,
"type": "text",
"primary": false,
"text_default": ""
"id": 331158,
"table_id": 57209,
"name": "Notes",
"order": 2,
"type": "long_text",
"primary": false
"id": 331159,
"table_id": 57209,
"name": "Active",
"order": 3,
"type": "boolean",
"primary": false

List rows

This query lists all the rows in a table.

Required parameters:

  • Table ID
Baserow list

Example response from Baserow:

"count": 3,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 2,
"order": "0.99999999999999999991",
"Name": "Bill",
"Last name": "Gates",
"Notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dignissim, urna eget rutrum sollicitudin, sapien diam interdum nisi, quis malesuada nibh eros a est.",
"Active": false
"id": 3,
"order": "0.99999999999999999992",
"Name": "Mark",
"Last name": "Zuckerburg",
"Notes": null,
"Active": true
"id": 1,
"order": "0.99999999999999999997",
"Name": "Elon",
"Last name": "Musk",
"Notes": null,
"Active": true

Get row

Required parameters:

  • Table ID
  • Row ID
Baserow get

Example response from Baserow:

"id": 1,
"order": "0.99999999999999999997",
"Name": "Elon",
"Last name": "Musk",
"Notes": null,
"Active": true

Create row

Required parameters:

  • Table ID
  • Records
Bserow create

Example Records:

"Name": "Test",
"Last name": "Test Name",
"Notes": "Test Note",
"Active": true

Example response from Baserow:

"id": 19,
"order": "0.99999999999999999996",
"Name": "Test",
"Last name": "Test Name",
"Notes": "Test Note",
"Active": true

Update row

Required parameters:

  • Table ID
  • Row ID
  • Records
Baserow update

Example Records:

"Name": "Test",
"Last name": "Test Name",
"Notes": "Test Note",
"Active": true

Example response from Baserow:

"id": 19,
"order": "0.99999999999999999996",
"Name": "Test",
"Last name": "Test Name",
"Notes": "Test Note",
"Active": true

Move row

Required parameters:

  • Table ID
  • Row ID

Optional parameters:

  • Before ID (The row will be moved before the entered ID. If not provided, then the row will be moved to the end )
Baserow move row

Example response from Baserow:

"id": 3,
"order": "2.00000000000000000000",
"Name": "Mark",
"Last name": "Zuckerburg",
"Notes": null,
"Active": true

Delete row

Required parameters:

  • Table ID
  • Row ID
Baserow delete

While deleting a row, the response will be either success or failure from Baserow