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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧


ToolJet can connect to minio and perform various operation on them.


To establish a connection with the MinIo data source, click on the + Add new data source button located on the query panel or navigate to the Data Sources page from the ToolJet dashboard.

ToolJet requires the following to connect to your DynamoDB:

  • Host
  • Port
  • Access key
  • Secret key
miniIo connect

Querying Minio

  1. Click on + Add button of the query manager at the bottom panel of the editor.
  2. Select the data source added in the previous step as the data source.
  3. Select the operation that you want to perform.
  4. Click on the Run button to run the query
miniIo query

Query results can be transformed using transformations. Read our transformations documentation to see how: link

Supported Operations

minIo Operations

Read Object

Retrieve an object from a bucket.

Required Parameter:

  • Bucket
  • Object Name
minIo read object

Put Object

Upload or update an object in a bucket.

Required Parameter:

  • Bucket
  • Object Name
  • Upload data

Optional Parameter:

  • Content Type
minIo put object

Remove Object

Delete an object from a bucket.

Required Parameter:

  • Bucket
  • Object Name
minIo remove object

List Buckets

Retrieve a list of all buckets.

minIo list bucket

List Objects in a Bucket

List objects within a specified bucket.

Required Parameters

  • Bucket

Optional Parametes

  • Prefix
minIo list objects in a bucket

Presigned URL for Download

Generate a presigned URL for downloading an object.

Required Parameter:

  • Bucket
  • Object Name

Optional Parameter:

  • Expires in
minIo presigned url for download

Presigned URL for Upload

Generate a presigned URL for uploading an object.

Required Parameter:

  • Bucket
  • Object Name

Optional Parameter:

  • Expires in
minIo presigned url for download