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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧

Run JavaScript Code

The Run JavaScript Code feature in ToolJet allows custom JavaScript code to be executed to enhance application interactivity. This feature is useful for performing calculations, generating values, or interacting with queries and components.

Creating a Run JavaScript Query

  1. Click on + Add button of the query manager at the bottom panel of the editor.
  2. Select Run JavaScript Code from the list of available data sources.
  3. Add the JavaScript Code.
  4. Click on the Preview button to preview the output or Click on the Run button to trigger the query.
Run JavaScript code

Parameters in Run JavaScript Code

Parameters allow for dynamic control over the JavaScript code execution without altering the core script. This provides flexibility by allowing the same code to execute with different inputs.

Each parameter requires:

  • Name: Name for the parameter
  • Default value: The value can be constant strings, numbers and object.

Steps to Add a Parameter

  1. In the RunJS query editor, click the Parameters + button to create a new parameter.
  2. Provide a Name for the parameter.
  3. Set a Default Value, which can be a string, number, or object.

Once added, the parameter can be referenced in the code using the syntax: parameters.<name>.

Run JavaScript code

Displaying a Parameter Value in an Alert Box

Let's create a new parameter named newAlert and set the value as object Displaying the Parameter Value in an Alert Box and use the alert js method to show the value on the pop-up.



When the query is triggered the alert will show the parameters value.

Run JavaScript code

Calling Another Query with Parameters

Parameters can also be used to trigger other queries and pass custom values. Below is an example of how to call one query from another by providing custom parameters.

  1. Begin by creating a new RunJS query named multiply.

    • In this query, add the following parameters:

      • num1 with a default value of 10
      • num2 with a default value of 2.
    • Add the following JavaScript Code:

    return parameters.num1 * parameters.num2;
    • To display the result, place a text component on the canvas and set its text to {{}}.

    Run JavaScript code
  2. Now, let's create another RunJS query called callMultiply, where we will invoke the multiply query created earlier using custom parameter values. Here's the code snippet for callMultiply:{num1: 20, num2: 7})

    By executing this code within callMultiply, we trigger the multiply query with specific values for its parameters.

    Run JavaScript code

With this setup, the multiply query can be called from other queries, such as callMultiply, by providing custom parameter values. This allows you to reuse the multiply query with different inputs and display the results accordingly.

RunJS Example Queries

Generating a Random Number

This example demonstrates how to generate and display a random number using JavaScript.

  1. Drag a button and a text widget inside a container widget.
  2. Click on the + Add on the query panel to create a query and select Run JavaScript code from the available datasources.
  3. Write the code in JavaScript editor and run the query.
const a = Math.floor(Math.random() * (10 - 1)) + 1;
return a;
  1. Edit the properties of widgets:
    1. Add an event handler to the button:
      1. Select event as On Click
      2. Action as Run Query
      3. Select the runjs1 query that we created. This will run the JavaScript code every time the button is clicked.
    2. Edit the property of text widget:
      1. In the text field enter Random number: {{}}. It will display the output as Random number: result from JS code
Run JavaScript code

Generating a Unique ID

The following code generates a unique ID in the format "id" followed by a sequence of random hexadecimal characters.

var id = "id" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2);
return id;

For example, it could be something like "id2f4a1b".

Run JavaScript code

Generating a Timestamp-Based Unique ID

In this code, the resulting ID will have the format "timestamp + randomHex", where "timestamp" is the current time in base-32 and "randomHex" is a random hexadecimal value.

return String( + Math.random().toString(16)).replace(/\./g, '');

This ID will be longer than the one generated earlier, and it could look like "2g3h1d6a4h3".

Run JavaScript code


ToolJet allows you to internally utilize these libraries:


Issues with writing custom JavaScript code? Ask in our Slack Community.