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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧

Bounded Box

A Bounded Box is an infinitely customizable image annotation component that can be used to select and tag areas within an image. It supports selection using specific points (landmarking) or drawing rectangular areas (bounding boxes). It can be used to create datasets for machine learning models or to annotate images for other purposes.

Bounded Box


Bounded Box

Expected Value
Image URLThe URL or image data to show it on the component.Get the image URL dynamically from database: {{[0].url}} or use image's base64 data
Default valueThe data that will load the default bounded boxes over the image when the app is loaded.Array of objects. Check the Default value data properties
SelectorThe bounded box support selection using rectangle or point.Click Fx to set the value RECTANGLE or POINT
List of labelsThe list of label that will be displayed in the dropdown while selection in the bounded-box.Labels in array format: {{['Tree', 'Car', 'Stree light']}}

Default value

Provide the data that will load the default bounding boxes over the image when the app is loaded. The data is expected to be an array of objects format.

Expected Value
typeSets the type of the Bounded Box.RECTANGLE or POINT
widthSets the width of the Bounded Box in pixels.Numeric value. If the type value is POINT, set it to 0
heightSets the height of the Bounded Box in pixels.Numeric value. If the type value is POINT, set it to 0
xSets the x-coordinate(horizontal) position of the Bounded Box in the image.Numerical value ex: 41
ySets the y-coordinate(vertical) position of the Bounded Box in the image.Numerical value ex: 22
textSets the text value of the Bounded Box.It should be one of the labels provided in the List of labels property

Example of default values:

type: 'RECTANGLE',
width: 40,
height: 24,
x: 41,
y: 12,
text: 'Tree'
type: 'POINT',
width: 0,
height: 0,
x: 10.28,
y: 81.14,
text: 'Car'


Events are actions that can be triggered programmatically when the user interacts with the component. Click on the component handle to open its properties on the right. Go to the Events accordion and click on + Add handler.

On changeTriggered when the label from the dropdown in the selector is changed in the Bounded Box.

Check Action Reference docs to get the detailed information about all the Actions.

Component Specific Actions (CSA)

There are currently no CSA (Component-Specific Actions) implemented to regulate or control the bounding box component.

Exposed Variables

annotationsThis variable is an array of objects, where each object represents an annotation added to an image. The object contains the following keys: type, x, y, width, height, text, and id.
annotations.typeThere are two types of annotations: RECTANGLE and POINT.
annotations.xcoordinates on the x axis.
annotations.ycoordinates on the y axis.
annotations.widthwidth of the annotation.
annotations.heightheight of the annotation.
annotations.textlabel selected for the annotation.
annotations.idunique ID of the annotation (system generated).

The values can be accessed dynamically using {{components.boundedbox1.annotations[0].text}} or {{components.boundedbox1.annotations[1].width}}



A Tooltip is often used to specify the extra information when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the component. Once a value is set for Tooltip, hovering over the element will display the specified string as the tooltip text.

Bounded box Tooltip


DesktopToggle to show or hide the component in the desktop view. Dynamically configure the value by clicking on Fx and entering a logical expression that results in either true or false. Alternatively, the values can be set to {{true}} or {{false}}.
MobileToggle to show or hide the component in the desktop view. Dynamically configure the value by clicking on Fx and entering a logical expression that results in either true or false. Alternatively, the values can be set to {{true}} or {{false}}.


Expected Value
VisibilityToggle on or off to control the visibility of the component when the app is loaded.{{true}} or {{false}}, By default, it's set to {{true}}
DisableToggle on to disable the component.{{true}} or {{false}}, By default, it's set to {{false}}
Box shadowSets the add shadow effects around a component's frame. You can specify the horizontal and vertical offsets(through X and Y sliders), blur and spread radius, and color of the shadow.Values that represent x,y, blur, spread and color. Ex: 9px 11px 5px 5px #00000040