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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧


Button component can be used to trigger an action. It can be used to submit a form, navigate to another page, or trigger a query.


Expected Value
LabelText to display on the button.String (e.g., Submit).


On clickThe On click event is triggered when the button is clicked.
On hoverThe On hover event is triggered when the mouse cursor is moved over the button.

Check Action Reference docs to get detailed information about all the Actions.

Expected Value
Button textUsed to set the label of the button.Any String value: Send Message, Delete, or {{}}
Loading stateThe loading state is used to show a spinner as the button content. Loading state is commonly used with isLoading property of the queries to show a loading status while a query is being run.Toggle the switch On or click on fx to programmatically set the value to {{true}} or {{false}}

Component Specific Actions (CSA)

Following actions of Button component can be controlled using the component specific actions(CSA):

How To Access
click()Regulate the click of the button.Employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await or trigger it using an event.
setText()Sets the label of the component.Employ a RunJS query (for e.g.,
await components.button1.setText('Update')) or trigger it using an event.
setVisibility()Sets the visibility of the component.Employ a RunJS query (for e.g.,
await components.textinput1.setVisibility(false)) or trigger it using an event.
setLoading()Sets the loading state of the component.Employ a RunJS query (for e.g.,
await components.button1.setLoading(true)) or trigger it using an event.
setDisable()Disables the component.Employ a RunJS query (for e.g.,
await components.button1.setDisable(true)) or trigger it using an event.

Exposed Variables

How To Access
buttonTextThis variable stores the text displayed on the button.Access the value dynamically through JavaScript using the following syntax: {{components.button1.buttonText}}
Indicates if the input meets validation criteria.Accessible dynamically with JS (for e.g., {{components.button1.isValid}}).
Indicates if the component is loading.Accessible dynamically with JS (for e.g., {{components.button1.isLoading}}).
Indicates if the component is visible.Accessible dynamically with JS (for e.g., {{components.button1.isVisible}}).

Additional Actions

Configuration Options
Loading stateEnables a loading spinner, often used with isLoading to indicate progress. Toggle or set dynamically.Enable/disable the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.
VisibilityControls component visibility. Toggle or set dynamically.Enable/disable the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.
DisableEnables or disables the component. Toggle or set dynamically.Enable/disable the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.
TooltipProvides additional information on hover. Set a string value for display.String (e.g., Button to Submit Form ).


Show on desktop

Makes the component visible in desktop view. You can set it with the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.

Show on mobile

Makes the component visible in mobile view. You can set it with the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.



Button Property
Configuration Options
TypeSets the fill value of the Button component.Select Solid for a button with a solid background and Outline for a transparent button with an outline.
BackgroundSets the background color of the component.Select the color or click on fx and input code that programmatically returns a Hex color code.
Text colorSets the text color of the text entered in the component.Select the color or click on fx and input code that programmatically returns a Hex color code.
Border colorSets the border color of the component.Select the color or click on fx and input code that programmatically returns a Hex color code.
Loader colorSets the loader color of the component.Select the color or click on fx and input code that programmatically returns a Hex color code.
IconAllows you to select an icon for the component.Enable the icon visibility, select icon and icon color. Alternatively, you can programmatically set it using fx.
Border radiusModifies the border radius of the component.Enter a number or click on fx and enter a code that programmatically returns a numeric value.
Box shadowSets the box shadow properties of the component.Select the box shadow color and adjust the related properties or set it programmatically using fx.


Allows you to maintain a standard padding by enabling the Default option.