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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧


The Table component displays and manages data, connecting seamlessly with databases and APIs. It allows users to view and edit data directly within the table. This document goes through all the properties related to the Table component.

ToolJet - Component Reference - Table Preview


To populate the Table with data, you need to provide the data in the form of an array of objects under its Data property. You can utilize data from queries by referring query data to populate the Table.

The Table component will automatically generate all the required columns when the data is provided. The Table also loads one level of nested data.

Example - Passing an array:

{{[{ id: 1, name: 'Sarah', email: '[email protected]', contact:{number: 8881212, address: '25, Huntley Road, Newark'} }]}}

Example - Passing a query data:

//replace restapi1 with your query name


Go to the columns section to read more about columns.


Any property having fx button next to its field can be programmatically configured.

Action Buttons

ToolJet - Component Reference - Actions

Action buttons are positioned in the Table's final column. These buttons' appearance can be customized, and specific actions can be defined for when they are clicked using the On click action. Upon clicking an action button, the selectedRow exposed variable of the Table is updated to reflect the data of the selected row.

Below are the button text properties that you can set.

Button textSets the text that you want to be displayed on the action button.
Button positionSets the button position to left or right.
Background colorSets the background color of the action button.
Text colorSets the color of button-text of the action button.
Disable Action ButtonToggle on to disable the action button. You can programmatically set its value by clicking on the fx button next to it, if set to {{true}}, the action button will be disabled and becomes non-functional. By default, its value is set to {{false}}.
New event handlerThe New event handler button lets you create an event handler to define behavior for action buttons based on the On click action.


You can trigger a range of events on the Table component.

Row hovered

This event is activated when the mouse pointer hovers over a row. The hoveredRowId variable captures the ID of the hovered row, and the hoveredRow variable stores the row's data in object format.

Row clicked

This event is triggered when a Table row is clicked. The selectedRowId and selectedRow exposed variables of the Table store the ID and data of the selected row, respectively.

Save changes

If any cell of the Table is edited, the Save changes button appears at the footer of the Table. Save changes event is triggered when this button is clicked.

Page changed

If server-side pagination is enabled, this event is fired when the current page is changed. Page changed event is triggered after updating the pageIndex variable.

Search event is triggered when a text is entered to the search input box of the Table. searchText variable is updated before triggering this event.

Cancel changes

If any cell of the Table is edited, the Discard changes button appears at the footer of the Table. Cancel changes event is triggered when this button is clicked.

Sort applied

This event is triggered when the column name header is clicked to apply sorting in asc or desc. The sortApplied variable is updated with an object having column and direction values.

Cell value changed

If any cell of the Table is edited, the cell value changed event is triggered.

Filter changed

Filter event is triggered when filter is added, removed, or updated from the filter section of the Table. filters variable of the Table is updated to reflect the status of filters applied. The objects will have properties: condition, value, and column.

Add new rows

This event is triggered when the Save button is clicked from the Add new row modal on the Table.

Row Selection

Allow selection

This option is active by default. Enabling this functionality allows users to choose a row in the Table by utilizing checkboxes placed next to each row. If this option is disabled, the ability to highlight selected rows and perform bulk selection will not be accessible.

Highlight selected row

Enable this option to visually emphasize the last clicked row. Enabling this feature will alter the row selection appearance of the Table from a checkbox-based theme to a highlight-based theme.

Bulk selection

To enable the selection of one or more rows from the current page of a table, you can activate the Bulk selection setting in the inspector. The values of the selected rows will be available in the selectedRows exposed variable.

Default selected row

Default selected row will only be available when the Allow selection property is enabled.

To set a default selected row, you need to provide an object with a single key-value pair. For instance, you can use the id key and dynamically obtain the value from a variable, let's say x, to specify the default selected row in the Table. We assume that the variable x holds a valid numerical id.


{{{"id": variables.x}}} //assuming variables.x is already set

Please ensure that the value provided in the object corresponds to an id in the Table to ensure proper functionality.

Select row on cell edit

Enabling the Make editable property for a column allows the app users to edit the column. While editing, the related row will be selected by default. To stop the row from getting selected by default, turn off Select row on cell edit.

Search, Sort and Filter

ToolJet - Component Reference - Table

The Show search property controls the search box on the Table. Client-side search is enabled by default and server-side search can be enabled from the events section of the inspector. Whenever the search text is changed, the searchText exposed variable of the Table component is updated.

If server-side search is enabled, Search event is fired after the content of searchText variable is changed. searchText can be used to run a specific query to search for the records in your data source.

Enable column sorting

Disable this option to lock the sorting of columns when the users clicks on the column header.

Server-side sort

When server-side sort is enabled, clicking on the column headers will not automatically sort the table, instead, the Sort applied event will be fired and the applied sorting will be accessible in the sortApplied exposed variable. This information can be leveraged to execute queries that update the table content in accordance with the specified sorting.

Enable filtering

The filter button in the Table header is visible by default. You can choose to hide it by disabling this option.

The Table data can be filtered using the Filter data option on its top-left. You have the option to choose from various filters, such as:

  • contains
  • does not contain
  • matches
  • does not match
  • equals
  • does not equal
  • is empty
  • is not empty
  • greater than
  • greater than or equal to
  • less than
  • less than or equal to

Server-side filter

When Server-side filter is enabled, applying filters will not automatically filter the table, instead, the Filter changed event will be fired and the applied filters will be accessible in the filters exposed variables. This data can be utilized to execute queries that update the table content according to the applied filters.


Pagination helps manage the display of large data sets by dividing them into manageable segments. Client-side pagination is enabled by default. When enabled, an additional property, Number of rows per page, becomes available to set the number of records per page. The default value is set to 10; if disabled, all records will appear on a single page.

Server-side pagination

Server-side pagination can be used to run a query whenever the page is changed. Under events section, you can use the Page changed event to execute a query and along with the pageIndex exposed variable. pageIndex can be used to query the next set of results when page is changed.

When Server-side pagination is enabled, you'll be able to set three other Table properties:

  • Enable previous page button: Toggle this off to disable the previous page button from the Table.
  • Enable next page button: Toggle this off to disable the next page button from the Table.
  • Total records server side: Set a numerical value to display particular number of records.

Check this how-to guide to learn more about server-side pagination.

Addional actions

Show add new row button

The Add new row button is located on the bottom-right of the Table is visible by default. You can choose to hide it by disabling this option.

Upon clicking this button, a pop-up modal will show, providing users with the ability to insert new rows. If users input data into this row, it will be stored within the newRows exposed variable associated with the Table. Clicking on the Discard button will clear the data within this variable. However, if the users close the popup without any action (neither saving nor discarding), the data will persist. The Table incorporates an Add new rows event handler, which can be employed to execute queries that store the data into the data source upon clicking the Save button.

Show download button

The download button in the Table footer is visible by default. You can choose to hide it by disabling this option. The download button allows users to download the Table data in three formats - CSV, Excel and PDF.

The name of the downloaded file will be in the following format:

Example: Customers_25-03-2022_16-10.csv

Hide column selector button

The column selector button on the Table footer is visible by default. You can choose to hide it by disabling this option. The column selector allows you define which columns you want to view on the Table.

Loading state

Loading state shows a loading skeleton for the Table. This property can be used to show a loading status on the Table while data is being loaded. isLoading property of a query can be used to get the status of a query.

Show update buttons

The update button is enabled by default. Table footer will show two update buttons Save changes and Discard changes whenever a cell is edited. Disable this option to hide update buttons.


Visibility condition allows you to control whether the Table is visible or hidden on the canvas. It is enabled by default and can be turned off to hide the Table.


Disable condition allows you to control whether the Table is enabled or disabled on the canvas. It is enabled by default and can be turned off to hide the Table. When disabled, the Table will not be interactive.


OptionDescriptionExpected value
Show on desktopShows or hides the component on desktop devices.Use the toggle switch or configure it dynamically using fx.
Show on mobileShows or hides the component on mobile devices.Use the toggle switch or configure it dynamically using fx.



Style PropertyDescriptionConfiguration Options
Text colorChange the text color of the component.Provide a hex color code, choose from the picker, or set programmatically using fx.
Row styleSelects the style of the table rows.Choose from dropdown: Bordered, Regular, or Striped. You can also set it programmatically using fx.
Cell heightDetermines the size of the table cells.Choose between Condensed or Regular size. You can also set it programmatically using fx.
Max row heightControls the maximum height of rows when Content wrap is enabled.Select Auto or define a Custom size. You can also set it programmatically using fx.

Action Button

ActionDescriptionConfiguration Options
Button radiusSets the radius for all action buttons.Enter a value (default is 0) or dynamically configure using fx.


Style PropertyDescriptionConfiguration Options
Border radiusAdds a radius to the borders of the Table.Enter a value (default is 8) or dynamically configure using fx.
BorderDefines the border color of the Table.Change the color by providing a hex color code, choosing from the picker, or setting programmatically using fx.
Box shadowSets the box shadow properties of the component.Select the box shadow color, adjust related properties, or set programmatically using fx.