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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧


The Kanban component allows you to visually organize and prioritize your tasks with a transparent workflow. You can set the number of columns to display, enable/disable the add cards button, and bind data to the cards.

Restricted components

Certain components are restricted from being placed within the Card and Popout of the Kanban component.

  • Card: Calendar, Kanban, Form, Tabs, Modal, ListView, Container
  • Popout: Calendar, Kanban

Setting Card Data

To dynamically populate Kanban cards, you can use the cardData key.

For instance, you can set the Data property of a Text component on a card using the below code:

// Replace title with the key in your data


  • It is mandatory to provide an id for each column in the column data field. The id can be of type string or number.
  • It is mandatory to provide an id and a columnId for each card in the Card data field. Both id and columnId can be of type string or number.
Expected Value
Column dataEnter the columns data - id and title in the form of array of objects or from a query that returns an array of objects.{{[{ "id": "c1", "title": "to do" },{ "id": "c2", "title": "in progress" },{ "id": "c3", "title": "Completed" }]}} or {{}}
Card dataEnter the cards data - id, title and columnId in the form of array of objects or from a query that returns an array of objects.{{[{ id: "r1", title: "Title 1", description: "Description 1", columnId: "c1" },{ id: "r2", title: "Title 2", description: "Description 2", columnId: "c2" },{ id: "r3", title: "Title 3", description: "Description 3",columnId: "c3" }]}} or {{}}
Card widthSet the width of the cardThis property expects a numerical value. By default, the value is set to {{302}}
Card heightSet the width of the cardThis property expects a numerical value. By default, the value is set to {{100}}
Enable add cardThis property allows you to show or hide the +Add Cards button on the Kanban.By default its enabled, you can programmatically set value to {{true}} or {{false}} to enable/disable button by clicking on the Fx next to it
Show delete buttonThis property allows you to show or hide the Drop here to delete cards section at the bottom of the Kanban.By default its enabled, you can programmatically set value to {{true}} or {{false}} to enable/disable button by clicking on the Fx next to it


To add an event, click on the component handle to open the component properties on the right sidebar. Go to the Events section and click on Add handler.

On UpdateOn update event is triggered whenever the card data (id, title, description, or columnID) is updated using the component specific actions.
On add card clickThis event is triggered whenever the Add card button on the Kanban is clicked.
Card removedThis event is triggered whenever the card is deleted from the Kanban by dragging it into the bottom delete box or using component specific action.
Card addedThis event is triggered whenever a card is added on the Kanban using the component specific action.
Card movedThis event is triggered whenever the card's position is changed on the Kanban or using the component specific action.
Card selectedThis event is triggered whenever a card is clicked to open the modal.

Just like any other event on ToolJet, you can set multiple handlers for any of the above mentioned events.


Check Action Reference docs to get the detailed information about all the Actions.

Check the Component Specific Action available for Kanban.

Exposed Variables

How To Access
updatedCardDataThe updatedCardData variable will hold the latest values of all the cards in the Kanban. This variable won't have any values.It will have values only when any action on any of the card is performed like when the card is moved, added, deleted, or updated.
lastAddedCardThe variable lastAddedCard holds the values of the last added card. It holds the following data - id, title, description and columnId of the last added card.Get the values using {{components.kanban1.lastAddedCard.title}}
lastRemovedCardThe variable lastRemovedCard holds the properties of the card that has been recently deleted from the Kanban. It holds the following data - id, title, description and columnId of the recently deleted card.Get the values using {{components.kanbanboard1.lastRemovedCard.title}}
lastCardMovementThe variable lastCardMovement holds the properties of the card that has been recently moved from its original position. It holds the following data - originColumnId, destinationColumnId, originCardIndex, destinationCardIndex and an object cardDetails which includes id, title, description and columnId of the moved card.Get the values using {{components.kanbanboard1.lastCardMovement.cardDetails.title}} or {{components.kanbanboard1.lastCardMovement.destinationCardIndex}}
lastSelectedCardThe variable lastSelectedCard holds the id, title, columnId, and description of the last selected(clicked to view) card on the Kanban.Get the values using {{components.kanban1.lastSelectedCard.columnId}}
lastUpdatedCardThe variable lastUpdatedCard holds the id, title, description, and columnId of the last updated card(using component specific action).Get the values using {{components.kanban1.lastUpdatedCard.columnId}}
lastCardUpdateThe variable lastCardUpdate holds the old an new values of the property that has been changed in the card(using component specific action).Get the values using {{components.kanban1.lastCardUpdate[0].title.oldValue}}

Component Specific Actions (CSA)

Following actions of Kanban component can be controlled using the component specific actions(CSA):

How To Access
updateCardDataUpdate the card data of Kanban component via a component-specific action within any event handler.Employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as components.kanban1.updateCardData('c1', {title: 'New Title'})
moveCardMove a card from one column to other column on the kanban via a component-specific action within any event handler.Employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await components.kanban1.moveCard('card id,'column id') ex: await components.kanban1.moveCard('c1','r2')
addCardAdd a card onto the kanban via a component-specific action within any event handler.Employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await components.kanban1.addCard('c1', {title: 'New Title'})
deleteCardDelete a card from the kanban via a component-specific action within any event handler.Employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await components.kanban1.deleteCard('card id') ex: await components.kanban1.deleteCard('c2')



A Tooltip is often used to specify extra information about something when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the component.

Under the General accordion, you can set the value in the string format. Now hovering over the component will display the string as the tooltip.


Expected Value
Show on desktopToggle on or off to display desktop view.You can programmatically determining the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}
Show on mobileToggle on or off to display mobile view.You can programmatically determining the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}


DisableIf disabled or set to {{false}} the component will be locked and becomes non-functional. By default, its disabled i.e. its value is set to {{true}} .
VisibilityThis is to control the visibility of the component. If {{false}}/disabled the component will not visible after the app is deployed. By default, it's enabled (set to {{true}}).
Accent colorYou can change the accent color of the column title by entering the Hex color code or choosing a color of your choice from the color picker.