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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧


The Chart component allows you to visualize your data. In this document, we'll go through all the configuration options for the Chart component.


Under the Title property, you can enter a title that displays at the top of the chart component.

Plotly JSON Chart Schema

To activate the Plotly JSON Schema, switch on the Use Plotly JSON Schema toggle. Additionally, for dynamic configuration, click on fx to input a logical expression that enables or disables it as needed.

Component specific actions (CSA)

There are currently no CSA (Component-Specific Actions) implemented to regulate or control the component.

Exposed variables

How To Access
chartTitleHolds the title of the chart component.Accessible dynamically with JS (for e.g., {{components.chart1.chartTitle}}).
xAxisTitleContains the title for the X-axis of the chart.Accessible dynamically with JS (for e.g., {{components.chart1.xAxisTitle}}).
yAxisTitleContains the title for the Y-axis of the chart.Accessible dynamically with JS (for e.g., {{components.chart1.yAxisTitle}}).
clickedDataPointsStores details about the data points that were clicked.Accessible dynamically with JS (for e.g., {{components.chart1.clickedDataPoints}}). Each data point includes xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, dataLabel, dataValue, and dataPercent.


Chart type

You can select the type from the dropdown options or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression that returns line, pie or bar.

Chart data

The data needs to be in JSON format and should have x and y keys. The component supports string and object JSON data types.


{ "x": "Jan", "y": 100},
{ "x": "Feb", "y": 80},
{ "x": "Mar", "y": 40},
{ "x": "Apr", "y": 100},
{ "x": "May", "y": 80},
{ "x": "Jun", "y": 40}

Marker Color

Available for line and bar charts, Marker Color defines the color of the line or bars on the chart.


Configuration Options
Loading stateEnables a loading spinner, often used with isLoading to indicate progress. Toggle or set dynamically.Enable/disable the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.
Show axisHides or displays the axes on the chart.Enable/disable the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.
Show grid linesHides or displays the grid lines on the chart.Enable/disable the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.


On data point clickTriggers whenever the user clicks on data points.
On double clickTriggers whenever the user double clicks on the chart area.

Check Action Reference docs to get detailed information about all the Actions.


Show on desktop

Makes the component visible in desktop view. You can set it with the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.

Show on mobile

Makes the component visible in mobile view. You can set it with the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.


Field Property
Configuration Options
Background colorSets the background color of the component.Select the color or click on fx and input code that programmatically returns a Hex color code.
PaddingsSets the padding of the component.Enter a numeric value. (for e.g., 22)
Border radiusModifies the border radius of the component.Enter a number or click on fx and enter a code that programmatically returns a numeric value.
VisibilitySets the visibility of the component.Enable/disable using the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.
DisablesAllows you to enable/disable a component. The component is not interactive when it is disabled.Enable/disable using the toggle button or dynamically configure the value by clicking on fx and entering a logical expression.