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Version: 2.68.0-Beta 🚧


ToolJet enables you to execute Redis commands on your Redis instances.

Connecting to Redis

To connect to a Redis instance, you can either click the +Add new data source button on the query panel or navigate to the Data Sources page in the ToolJet dashboard.

Redis Connection

To connect ToolJet with Redis, you need to provide the following connection details:

  • Host: The address or hostname of the Redis server.
  • Port: The port number used by the Redis server (default is 6379).
  • Username: The username used for authentication.
  • Password: The password used for authentication.
  • TLS: Toggle to enable/disable TLS connection.
  • TLS Certificate: Choose the type of TLS certificate (None, CA certificate, or Client certificate).

Depending on the TLS certificate option selected, you may need to provide additional information:

  • For CA certificate:

    • CA Cert: The CA certificate for TLS connection.
  • For Client certificate:

    • CA Cert: The CA certificate for TLS connection.
    • Client Key: The client key for TLS connection.
    • Client Cert: The client certificate for TLS connection.

Click on the Test connection button to verify if the credentials are correct and that the Redis server is accessible to the ToolJet server. Click on the Save button to save the data source.

Redis Queries

Here are some examples of Redis commands and their usage. You can refer to the Redis Official Documentation for a complete list of supported commands.

PING Command

The PING command is used to test the connection to Redis. If the connection is successful, the Redis server will respond with PONG.


SET Command

The SET command is used in Redis to assign a value to a specific key.

SET key value

Example 1/2: When the input value contains spaces, you should encode the value before providing it as an input:

SET products {{encodeURI('John Doe')}}
Redis Example Encode

GET Command

The GET command is used in Redis to retrieve the value associated with a specific key.

GET key

Example 2/2: To retrieve a value that was previously encoded while setting, you can use transformations.

  • Enter the GET command in the editor:

    GET products
  • Enable Transformations (JS) and use decodeURI:

    return JSON.parse(decodeURI(data));
    Redis Example Decode