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Version: 2.36.0

System Requirements

This document covers all the system requirements for self-hosting ToolJet.

Operating Systems

Supported Linux distribution

ToolJet images can run on any Linux machine with x86 architecture (64-bit). Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements specified below before installing ToolJet.

Microsoft Windows

ToolJet is developed for Linux-based operating systems. Please consider using a virtual machine or Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) to run ToolJet on Windows.

VM deployments:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 or later
  • Processor Architecture: x86 (arm64 is not supported)
  • RAM: 2GB
  • CPU: 1 vCPU
  • Storage: At least 8GiB, but can increase according to your requirements.

Orchestrated Deployments:

  • When employing container orchestration frameworks like Kubernetes, it's imperative to ensure that your cluster hosts at least one node equipped with the above specifications for seamlessly executing ToolJet deployments.

Note: Adjustments can be made based on specific needs and the expected load on the server.

Database software:

  • It is recommended that your PostgreSQL database is of version 13.x.