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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧

ToolJet CLI

ToolJet CLI is a powerful tool that empowers developers to effortlessly create and enhance Marketplace plugins for ToolJet workspace.


Starting from ToolJet CLI version 0.0.14, the creation of datasource plugins has been deprecated to prioritize marketplace plugins. This change enhances the plugin development experience and aligns with ToolJet's roadmap.


In order to manage plugins for the ToolJet marketplace, including creating, updating, and deleting, you will need to utilize tooljet-cli. This can be installed via npm by entering the following command:

npm install -g @tooljet/cli
ToolJet CLI installation

Ensure the installation was successful

tooljet --version
ToolJet CLI version check



This command returns the information about where tooljet is being run

tooljet info
ToolJet CLI info


This command creates a new plugin.

tooljet plugin create PLUGIN_NAME

Read the detailed guide on creating a marketplace plugin here.

ToolJet CLI : create plugin


This command deletes a plugin.

tooljet plugin delete PLUGIN_NAME

The CLI will prompt developers to verify if the plugin to be deleted is a marketplace plugin before proceeding with the deletion.

ToolJet CLI: delete plugin


Installs a new npm module inside a tooljet plugin

tooljet plugin install [NPM_MODULE] --plugin <value>