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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧

Workspace Variables


Workspace variables are currently marked as deprecated, indicating that it will be removed in future releases. In the current version, you are still able to delete existing variables and use it through out any ToolJet apps, but creating and updating variables are no longer supported.

Please use Workspace Constants instead.

Workspace Variables are the variables with some value(usually tokens/secret keys/API keys) that can be used in different apps across the same Workspace.


Server variables will not resolve if you use bracket notation. This is because bracket notation is not supported on the server-side, where server variables are resolved. If you use bracket notation in a query that is executed on the server, the query will fail. To avoid this, use dot notation to resolve workspace variables in queries.

How Can We Add these Variables to a Workspace?

Suppose there is an API key or a value that you want to use in the queries or widgets in the multiple apps of the same Workspace then the Workspace admin or the user with permissions can add an environment variable.

Adding the environment variable

  • Go to the ToolJet Dashboard, and click on the dropdown on the navigation bar to show Workspace options
  • Select Manage Environment Variables
  • Click on Add New Variable button
  • Give a Name to the variable, set the value, choose Type, toggle Encryption, and click Add Variable button
  • Now this variable can be used inside any application of this Workspace
add variable

Types of variables

  • Client: The client variable can be utilized in components, queries, and global datasources.

  • Server: The server variables can be employed in all queries except for RunJS and the connection form for global datasources. The restriction on using server variables with components is due to their resolution occurring solely during runtime, ensuring a high level of security.


Variable Type cannot be changed once it has been created.



This feature enables us to add a client variable with and without encryption. The server variables are always encrypted by default.

Using Variable in an App

Let's use the variable that we created here. If you have used ToolJet before, then you know that for getting the values from any variable we use JS notation i.e. {{}} but for using the Workspace variables we have different opening and closing notation %% %%. The environment variables will not work inside js code {{}}.

So, the syntax for using the variable that we created before will be %%client.pi%%

Example for client variable usage:


Example for server variable usage:


Starting from ToolJet version 2.10.0 and onwards, it is possible to utilize Server-type workspace variables in the global datasources connection form.
