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Pass Query Parameters in Custom Components

In this guide, you'll learn how to trigger a query with parameters inside a Custom Component.

  • To begin, create a REST API query with an id parameter, and rename it to getIndividualTodo.

  • Select GET as the operation and enter the URL below under the URL property:{{}}
Table Component With Data
  • Next, drag and drop a Custom Component on the canvas. Enter the code below under its Data property:
{ title: 'Todos', buttonText: 'Get Todo', queryData:}

Here, the title for the component, button text, and query data are being passed inside the Custom Component.

  • Enter the code below under the Code property:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from '';
import ReactDOM from '';
import { Button, Container, TextField, Typography } from '';

const MyCustomComponent = ({ data, updateData, runQuery }) => {
const [todoId, setTodoId] = useState(1);

const fetchTodo = async () => {
try {
const { data: todo } = await runQuery('getIndividualTodo', { id: todoId });
if (todo) updateData({, queryData: todo });
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching todo:", error);

return (
<Typography variant="h4">{data.title}</Typography>
label="Todo ID"
onChange={(e) => setTodoId(}
<Button color="primary" variant="outlined" onClick={fetchTodo}>
Fetch Todo
{data.queryData?.title && (
<p>ID: <b>{}</b></p>
<p>Title: <b>{data.queryData.title}</b></p>
<p>Completed: <b>{data.queryData.completed ? "Yes" : "No"}</b></p>

const ConnectedComponent = Tooljet.connectComponent(MyCustomComponent);

ReactDOM.render(<ConnectedComponent />, document.body);

In the runQuery('getIndividualTodo', { id: todoId }) function, the parameter is passed by including id: todoId as an argument in the query call, which specifies the unique identifier for the todo item being requested.

Custom Component
  • Now, when you click the Fetch Todo button, the getIndividualTodo query will run with the Todo ID passed as a parameter and return the details of the Todo
Custom Component With Todos Fetched

Note: In a typical JavaScript query, parameters are passed in a manner similar to a standard function call. For example, you can specify the parameters for the query using{ id: 2 }).