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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧

Enable/Disable a Component Using Current User's Property

Let's take a look at the exposed variables of the currentUser property by clicking on the inspector icon on the left sidebar:

  • email : The value can accessed using {{}}
  • firstName : The value can accessed using {{globals.currentUser.firstName}}
  • lastName : The value can accessed using {{globals.currentUser.lastName}}
  • groups: The groups attribute is an array representing the groups a user belongs to. By default, every user, including admins, is part of the all_users group. Additionally, admins are also part of the admin group. To access a specific group name, you need to specify the array index, such as [0] for the first group, [1] for the second, and so on. For example, you can retrieve the name of the second group a user belongs to with {{globals.currentUser.groups[1]}}.
  • metadata : The value can accessed using {{globals.currentUser.metadata}}.

Example: Disable a Button if a User is Not Admin

  • Click on the Button handle to open its properties. On the Styles tab, go to the Disable property.
Properties of button
  • Configure the Disable field with a condition that checks the user's group membership. If the user is not an admin, as determined by the absence of the admin value in the first position (index [1]) of the groups array, the field should be disabled. Use the following JavaScript condition for this purpose:
{{globals.currentUser.groups[1] !== "admin" ? true : false}}
Disable Property of button
  • Now, when you release the app, if the user is not a part of the admin group, the button will be disabled.
Released button disabled when user is not admin