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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧



The following guide is intended for contributors to set-up ToolJet locally. If you're interested in self-hosting ToolJet, please refer to the Setup section.

Follow these steps to setup and run ToolJet on Ubuntu. Open terminal and run the commands below.

Setting up

  1. Set up the environment

    1.1 Install NVM

    curl -o- | bash

    Use the command to load NVM:

    source ~/.nvm/

    Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm

    nvm install 18.18.2

    Ensure you have the correct version of npm, or it will cause an error about fsevents.

    1.2 Install Postgres

    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
    sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

    1.3 Install PostgREST (optional)


    Required only if ToolJet Database is being used.

    Please use PostgREST version 10.1.1.x

    Please follow the installation PostgREST guide

  2. Setup the repository:

    2.1 Fork the repository:

    Go to the ToolJet GitHub repository, click on the Fork button to create a copy of the repository under your own GitHub account.

    2.2 Clone your forked repository:

    After forking, clone the forked repository to your local machine using the URL of your forked repo.

    git clone<your-username>/ToolJet.git
  3. Set up environment variables

    Create a .env file by copying .env.example. More information on the variables that can be set is given in the environment variables reference

    cp .env.example .env
  4. Populate the keys in the env file


    SECRET_KEY_BASE requires a 64 byte key. (If you have openssl installed, run openssl rand -hex 64 to create a 64 byte secure random key)

    LOCKBOX_MASTER_KEY requires a 32 byte key. (Run openssl rand -hex 32 to create a 32 byte secure random key)


    cat .env
  5. Install and build dependencies

    npm install
    npm install --prefix server
    npm install --prefix frontend
    npm run build:plugins

    NOTE: If the npm run build:plugins command fails due to some packages are missing, try running the following command to install the necessary packages: sudo apt install build-essential then proceed to npm run build:plugins step again

  6. Set up database

    npm run --prefix server db:create
    npm run --prefix server db:reset

    If at any point you need to reset the database, use this command npm run --prefix server db:reset

  7. Run plugins compilation in watch mode

    cd ./plugins && npm start
  8. Run the server

    cd ./server && npm run start:dev
  9. Run the client

    cd ./frontend && npm start

    The client will start running on the port 8082, you can access the client by visiting: http://localhost:8082

  10. Create login credentials

    Visiting https://localhost:8082 should redirect you to the login page, click on the signup link and enter your email. The emails sent by the server in development environment are captured and are opened in your default browser. Click the invitation link in the email preview to setup the account.

Running tests

Test config requires the presence of .env.test file at the root of the project.

To run the unit tests

npm run --prefix server test

To run e2e tests

npm run --prefix server test:e2e

To run a specific unit test

npm run --prefix server test <path-to-file>