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Version: 2.43.0


ToolJet can connect to your Elasticsearch cluster to read and write data.


Please make sure the host/IP of the Elasticsearch cluster is accessible from your VPC if you have self-hosted ToolJet. If you are using ToolJet cloud, please whitelist our IP.

To establish a connection with the ElasticSearch data source, you can either click on the +Add new data source button located on the query panel or navigate to the Data Sources page through the ToolJet dashboard.

ToolJet requires the following to connect to your Elasticsearch cluster:

  • Host
  • Port
  • Username
  • Password
Elastic connect

Elastic search data source is also providing an option for connecting services with ssl certificates.

  • You can either use CA / Client certificates option.
Elastic ssl

Querying Elasticsearch

Click on + button of the query manager at the bottom panel of the editor and select the Elasticsearch added in the previous step as the data source. Select the operation that you want to perform on your Elasticsearch cluster and click Create to save the query.

Elastic query

Query results can be transformed using transformations. Read our transformations documentation to see how: link

Supported operations

This operation allows you to execute a search query and get back search hits that match the query. Read the Elasticsearch's Search guide here.

Elastic search

Index a document

This operation allows you to add a JSON document to the specified data stream or index. Read the Elasticsearch's Index guide here.

Elastic index

Get a document

This operation allows you to retrieve the specified JSON document from the index. Read the Elasticsearch's Get guide here.

Elastic get

Update a document

This operation allows to update a document using the specified script. Read the Elasticsearch's Update guide here.

Elastic update