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Version: 2.17.0

Text Input

Text Input widget lets users enter and edit text.


The Text Input should be preferred when user input is a single line of text.

How To Use Text Input Widget


Default value

The default value that the widget will hold when the app is loaded.


It specifies a hint that describes the expected value.


ToolJet - Widget Reference - Text input

On change

This event fires whenever the user types something on the text input.

On Enter Pressed

This event fires whenever the user presses the enter button on keyboard after entering some text on text input component.

On focus

This event fires whenever the user clicks inside the text input component.

On blur

This event fires whenever the user clicks outside the text input component.


Check Action Reference docs to get detailed information about all the Actions.



Use this field to enter a Regular Expression that will validate the password constraints.

Min length

Enter the number for a minimum length of password allowed.

Max length

Enter the number for the maximum length of password allowed.

Custom validation

If the condition is true, the validation passes, otherwise returns a string that should be displayed as the error message. For example: {{components.passwordInput1.value === 'something' ? true: 'value should be something'}}.



A Tooltip is often used to specify extra information about something when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the widget.

Under the General accordion, you can set the value in the string format. Now hovering over the widget will display the string as the tooltip.

ToolJet - Widget Reference - Text input


Show on desktop

Toggle on or off to display the widget in desktop view. You can programmatically determine the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}.

Show on mobile

Toggle on or off to display the widget in mobile view. You can programmatically determine the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}.


Text Color

Use this property to set the color of the text inside the text input component. You can select the color from the color picker or set the value using Hex color code.

Border color

Add a color to the border of the text-input component using this property. You can select the color from the color picker or set the value using Hex color code.

Border Radius

Use this property to modify the border radius of the widget. The field expects only numerical values from 1 to 100, and default is 0.


It is to control the visibility of the widget. If {{false}} the widget will not be visible after the app gets deployed. It can only have boolean values i.e. either {{true}} or {{false}}. By default, it's set to {{true}}.


This property only accepts boolean values. If set to {{true}}, the widget will lock and become non-functional. By default, its value is set to {{false}}.


Check the component specific actions available for this component here.

Exposed Variables

valueThis variable holds the value whenever user a user inputs a value in the component. You can access the value dynamically using JS: {{components.textinput1.value}}

Component specific actions (CSA)

Following actions of text input component can be controlled using the component specific actions(CSA):

setFocusSet the focus of the cursor on the text input via a component-specific action within any event handler. Additionally, you have the option to employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await components.textinput1.setFocus()
setBlurRemoves the focus of the cursor on the text input via a component-specific action within any event handler. Additionally, you have the option to employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await components.textinput1.setBlur()
disabledisable the component via a component-specific action within any event handler. Additionally, you have the option to employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await components.textinput1.disable(true)
visibilitySet a visibility of the text input via a component-specific action within any event handler. Additionally, you have the option to employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await components.textinput1.visibility(false)
setTextSet a text value on the text input component via a component-specific action within any event handler. Additionally, you have the option to employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await components.textinput1.setText('this is input text')
clearClear the entered text from the text input via a component-specific action within any event handler. Additionally, you have the option to employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as await components.textinput1.clear()