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Version: 2.70.0-Beta 🚧


ToolJet offers seamless integration with GitHub. This connection allows you to directly interact with GitHub repositories and data.


To connect to GitHub, you need the following credential:

You'll need a Personal Access Token to access data from private repositories. Public repository data remains accessible without a Personal Access Token.

Marketplace: GitHub

Supported Queries

Get User Info

This operation fetches details for a specified user.

Required Parameters:

  • Username: Specify the GitHub username or organization to retrieve their details.
Marketplace: GitHub

Get Repository

Fetches detailed information about a specific repository.

Required Parameters:

  • Owner: Name of the repository's owner, which can be either a GitHub user or an organization.
  • Repository: The exact name of the repository.

Get Repository Issues

Generates a list of issues associated with a repository, with options to filter them by their status.

Required Parameters:

  • Owner: The name of the repository's owner. The owner can either be a GitHub organization or a user.
  • Repository: The repository name for which the issues are to be retrieved.
  • State: Filter the issues by their status: All, Open, or Closed.

Get Repository Pull Requests

Generates a list of pull requests from a repository, with options to filter them by their status.

Required Parameters:

  • Owner: The name of the repository's owner. The owner can either be a GitHub organization or a user.
  • Repository: The repository name for which the pull requests are to be retrieved.
  • State: Filter the pull requests by their status: All, Open, or Closed.