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Version: 2.68.0-Beta 🚧


The Map component enables users to display a map on the app. It can be used to display or choose a single location or multiple locations on the map. The Map component can be used to display the location of a business, a store, or a restaurant. It can also be used to display the location of a user on the map. It allows users to interact with the map interface and pick specific points of interest.

Using Self-hosted

If you are utilizing the self-hosted version of ToolJet, it is necessary to configure the Google Maps API key as an environment variable. Please refer to the environment variable setup documentation.

ToolJet - Component Reference - Map


Expected Value
Initial locationdefault location when the app is loaded initially.An object containing the latitude and longitude as key value pairs. ex: {{ {"lat": 40.7128, "lng": -73.935242} }}
Default markersNumber of markers that should be shown on the mapAn array of objects containing the coordinates. ex: {{ [{"lat": 40.7128, "lng": -73.935242}, {"lat": 40.7128, "lng": -73.935242}] }}
Polygon pointsCreate a polygon on the map using the given coordinates.An array of objects containing the coordinates. ex: {{ [{"lat": 40.7128, "lng": -73.935242}, {"lat": 40.7128, "lng": -73.935242}] }}
Add new markersOn clicking the map, a new marker will be added to the map.By default, it's set to On. Toggle off to disable adding new markers on the map. Click Fx to set {{true}} or {{false}} programmatically.
Search for placesEnable to show the search box on the map.By default, it's set to On. Toggle off to disable the search box on the map. Click Fx to set {{true}} or {{false}} programmatically.


Event Name
On bounds changeTriggers when the bounding area is modified. This event occurs after the bounds variable changes.
On create markerTriggers when a new marker is added to the map.
On marker clickTriggers when the user clicks on any of the markers on the map.
On polygon clickTriggers when the user clicks on the polygon on the map.

For detailed information about all the available Actions, please refer to the Action Reference documentation.

Component Specific Actions (CSA)

Following actions of Map component can be controlled using the component specific actions(CSA):

How To Access
setLocationSet the marker's location on map using latitude and longitude values as parameters via a component-specific action within any event handler.Employ a RunJS query to execute component-specific actions such as: component.map1.setLocation(40.7128, -73.935242)

Exposed Variables

Exposed variables can be used to get data from the component.

How To Access
centerThis variable will hold the latitude, longitude and the google map url value.
center.latThis variable holds the latitude value of the marker on the Map component.Access the value dynamically using JS: {{}}
center.lngThis variable gets updated with RGB color code whenever a user selects a color from the color picker.Access the value dynamically using JS: {{}}
center.googleMapUrlThis variable holds the URL of the location where the center marker is placed on the Map component.Access the value dynamically using JS: {{}}
markersThe markers variable will hold the value only if add new markers is enabled from the map properties. Each marker is an object and will have lat and lng keys.Access the values dynamically using {{components.map1.markers[1].lat}}
selectedMarkerObject with the marker selected by the user
boundsIt constructs a rectangle from the points at its south-west and north-east corners
bounds.northEastIt holds the latitude and longitude of the north-east corner of the rectangle.Access the value dynamically using JS: {{}} or {{components.map1.bounds.northEast.lng}}
bounds.southWestIt holds the latitude and longitude of the south-west corner of the rectangle.Access the value dynamically using JS: {{}} or {{components.map1.bounds.southWest.lng}}



A Tooltip is often used to specify the extra information when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the component. Once a value is set for Tooltip, hovering over the element will display the specified string as the tooltip text.


Expected Value
Show on desktopToggle on or off to display desktop view.You can programmatically determining the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}
Show on mobileToggle on or off to display mobile view.You can programmatically determining the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}


Expected Value
VisibilityToggle on or off to control the visibility of the component.You can programmatically change its value by clicking on the Fx button next to it. If {{false}} the component will not be visible after the app is release. By default, it's set to {{true}}.
DisableThis is off by default, toggle on the switch to lock the component and make it non-functional.You can also programmatically set the value by clicking on the Fx button next to it. If set to {{true}}, the component will be locked and becomes non-functional. By default, its value is set to {{false}}.
Box shadowAdd a shadow effect to the component by providing values to X, Y, Blur, Spread and Color.You can also programmatically set the value by clicking on the Fx button next to it. Ex: {{"x": 0, "y": 0, "blur": 0, "spread": 0, "color": "#000000"}}