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Version: 2.11.0

Deploying ToolJet on Heroku

If you have any questions feel free to join our Slack Community or send us an email at [email protected].

Follow the steps below to deploy ToolJet on Heroku:

  1. Click the button below to start one click deployment.


  2. On Heroku tab, you'll be asked to provide an App name and Choose a region. Enter the name for your deployment and select the region according to your choice.

heroku appname
  1. Now let's enter the Config vars to configure additional environment variables that are required for the installation.

    • LOCKBOX_MASTER_KEY: ToolJet server uses lockbox to encrypt datasource credentials. You should set the environment variable LOCKBOX_MASTER_KEY with a 32 byte hexadecimal string. If you have OpenSSL installed, you can run the command openssl rand -hex 32 to generate the key.
    • NODE_ENV: By default NODE_ENV is set to production.
    • NODE_OPTIONS: Node options are configured to increase node memory to support app build.
    • SECRET_KEY_BASE: ToolJet server uses a secure 64 byte hexadecimal string to encrypt session cookies. You should set the environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE. If you have OpenSSL installed, you can run the command openssl rand -hex 64 to generate the key.
    • TOOLJET_HOST: Public URL of ToolJet installation. This is usually https://<app-name-in-first-step\>
    • TOOLJET_SERVER_URL: URL of ToolJet server installation. (This is same as the TOOLJET_HOST for Heroku deployments)
  2. Click on Deploy app button at the bottom to initiate the build.

  3. After the successful build, you'll see two buttons at the bottom: Manage App and View. Click on the View to open the app or click on Manage App to configure any settings.

heroku build

ToolJet server and client can be deployed as standalone applications. If you do not want to deploy the client on Heroku, modify package.json accordingly. We have a guide on deploying ToolJet client using services such as Firebase.

Deploying Tooljet Database

If you intend to use this feature, you'd have to set up and deploy PostgREST server which helps querying ToolJet Database.

This feature is only enabled if ENABLE_TOOLJET_DB is set to true in the Tooljet application.

Follow the steps below to deploy ToolJet Database on Heroku:


Please install Heroku CLI on your local machine. Please refer Heroku CLI installation steps here.

  1. Create a new Heroku app using the PostgREST buildpack

1.1 Create a folder with your app name. Please give a unique name to the app.

git init

1.2 Add PostgREST buildpack to your app.

heroku apps:create ${YOUR_PGRST_APP_NAME} --buildpack
heroku git:remote -a ${YOUR_PGRST_APP_NAME}
  1. Attach the Tooljet app’s PostgreSQL database your Tooljet database app

${HEROKU_PG_DB_NAME Should be the name of the PostgreSQL created by the Tooljet app.

You can get the ${HEROKU_PG_DB_NAME of the Tooljet application from the Resources tab under Heroku Postgre attachments as shown below. (eg: ${HEROKU_PG_DB_NAME = postgresql-transparent-24158 ).

heroku addons:attach ${HEROKU_PG_DB_NAME} -a ${YOUR_PGRST_APP_NAME}
  1. Create a Procfile

The Procfile is a simple text file that is named Procfile without a file extension. For example, Procfile.txt is not valid.

Please paste the below string within the Procfile file.

  1. Set environment variables

You can also refer environment variable here.


If you have openssl installed, you can run the following command openssl rand -hex 32 to generate the value for PGRST_JWT_SECRET.

If this parameter is not specified then PostgREST refuses authentication requests.

heroku config:set PGRST_JWT_SECRET=
heroku config:set POSTGREST_VER=10.0.0

You can also refer environment variable here.

  1. Build and deploy your app
git add Procfile
git commit -m "PostgREST on Heroku"
git push --set-upstream heroku main

Your Heroku app should be live at ${YOUR_APP_NAME}

  1. Additional environment variables for Tooljet application

Please enter the below env variables in the Tooljet application, under the setting tab. You can also refer environment variable here.

Upgrading to the Latest Version

The latest version includes architectural changes and, hence, comes with new migrations.

If this is a new installation of the application, you may start directly with the latest version. This guide is not required for new installations.

Prerequisites for Upgrading to the Latest Version:

  • It is crucial to perform a comprehensive backup of your database before starting the upgrade process to prevent data loss.

  • Ensure that your current version is v2.23.0-ee2.10.2 before upgrading.

  • Users on versions earlier than v2.23.0-ee2.10.2 must first upgrade to this version before proceeding to the latest version.

For specific issues or questions, refer to our Slack.